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MotoGP 2018 season updates!

MotoGP 2018 season updates! As most of you know, the 2018 MotoGP World Championship started last week in Qatar. This season will be the longest one in history, with 19

Randy Mamola visits NZ ‘feels like coming full circle’

Randy Mamola visits NZ ‘feels like coming full circle’ During the weekend we read that motorcycling legend Randy Mamola attended the MotoFest event at Hampton Downs, New Zealand. Mamola sees

Grid girls banned at Formula 1, has time arrived for bikes to follow suit? POLL

Grid girls banned at Formula 1, has time arrived for bikes to follow suit? POLL Gird girls are in the eye of the storm during the latest weeks. Following the

The 5 weirdest motorcycles

The 5 weirdest motorcycles The wind through your hair, the sun going down on your shoulders, the thrill of the speed is just some of the pleasures that motorcycle can

Grand Prix World Championship

Grand Prix World Championship   2017 FIM Grand Prix has just started and it is Maverick Vinales who won the first race in Qatar. This year, 18 international races will

Maintenance Tips for your motorbikes

Only few maintenance steps, will help you to make your treasured bike last many more years in good condition.

UberEats love Motorcycles

UberEats love Motorcycles   You probably don’t know of the new service offer by Uber: UberEats. Whether you are a new user or not, this new year-old service in Australia

Motorcycle – Australian Sales Rise in 2016

Australia’s motorcycle, scooter and all-terrain vehicle sales have never been so great as in the last seven years.

The best of 2017 Dakar Edition

For its 39th edition, the Dakar gave us an unbelievable show and some wonderful landscapes. Watch the video of the best images of this year edition.

Jack Doohan in the footsteps of his Father

14 years old Jack secures his first podium finish of his karting career, finishing second at the OK-Junior Pre-finale B in Italy on the 5th of February.

Sellicks Beach Race

Book your weekend of February 18th to take advantage of this incredible bike event.



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